Anime Society
Book Club
Dance Club
Debate and Discussion Society
Design And Animation Club
Dramatics Club
English Literary Society
Fine Arts Club
Film Club
Hindi Sahitya Sabha
Humour House
Music Club
Photography Club
Quiz Club
Student Film Society


“The passion for dramatics is inherent in the nature of man.”
At the Dramatics Club of IIT Kanpur (popularly known as “Fursat Mandli”), we believe that acting is not just a narration of the script, but a manifestation of emotions. The stage is a magic circle where only the most real things happen- a truer and more real place does not exist in the whole universe. Dramatics Club provides the perfect opportunity to the campus junta to explore their creativity, nurture the actor within themselves, and mould up their personality by giving them the stage where they can fearlessly and confidently portray thought-provoking characters. Since the past few years, the club has undergone a metamorphosis- it has been producing better content, better performances, and better results.
We at the Dramatics Club create and perform street plays (Nukkad Natak), stageplays, mime acts, mono acts, improvs etc for the campus junta. We make our campus proud by participating in various national level competitions like Antaragni, Rendezvous, Inter-IIT Cultural Meet (amongst others) and winning laurels. We also organize several workshops inviting experienced actors and performers from the theatre industry to help nurture the young talent in the club. Some of our alumni have managed to take their experience from the club and use them in practice in the industry as well.
Want to do some drama? Hop on-we will get you started!


  1. Orientation Nukkad
    a Thrilling and informative street play performed for freshers every year.

  2. Fresher’s MIME
    A mime performance performed entirely by the incoming batch.
  3. Drameve 1
    Two street plays performed for campus junta.
  4. Inter-IIT Cultural Meet
    Annual inter IIT competition where the club performs a street play, a stage play, and mono acts.
  1. Antaragni
    Where we create and perform club’s annual street play, stage play and mime production for the intercollegiate event “ANTARAGNI”.
  2. Drameve 2
    A theatre-packed event where the club performs a street play, some stage plays, and other theatre-based productions.
  3. Summer Workshop
    Annual theatre workshop by the club, where a professional artist is hired to teach the ways of acting, performing, direction, dialogue delivery among others.


Dharam Sankat Mein Hai - Antaragni'19

Drameve : Youngistan part 1 2019

Stage Play : Antaragni 2017

Drameve : Youngistan part 2 2019

Drameve : Duffer Hai Jee part 1 2019

Drameve : Duffer Hai Jee part 2 2019


Akhil Sagwal


DV Shukla


Parth Bhatt


Vipul Kumar Arora




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